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A question? A problem? Contact our support service

Our support service is available 24/7 by telephone. You can also send us your requests using the form below.

Based in the Afnic offices, in addition to a local service provider in France outside of business hours, the support team is on hand to respond to your administrative and technical problems and process all your requests in order to transfer them to the appropriate department. An automatic call-back system ensures that your request will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Phone: +33 1 39 30 83 00
Email address:

    What is the purpose of your request?

    * Required fields
    Collected data are essential to manage your requests. To find out more about this treatment, see the description on the page : Your data

    Veuillez prouver que vous êtes humain en sélectionnant la tasse.

    Afnic support

    Afnic support