To obtain the recovery or deletion of a domain name, within the confines of the law, Afnic makes available to anyone (natural or legal person) two extrajudicial inter partes procedures for resolving disputes.
The provisions of the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution, or ‘PARL’ in French) Regulations apply to all holders of domain names under any of the TLDs managed by Afnic. These procedures are for you if you can show standing and you consider that the domain name falls within one of the cases provided for in Article L.45-2 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code, i.e.:
– Liable to disrupt public order or morality, or the rights guaranteed by the French Constitution or French law;
– Liable to infringe intellectual property rights or personal rights, unless the Claimant provides proof of a legitimate interest and is acting in good faith;
– Identical or related to that of the French Republic, of a local authority or group of local authorities, of an institution or a local or national public service, unless the Claimant provides proof of a legitimate interest and is acting in good faith.
Before initiating an ADR procedure, we remind you that you can request the assistance of an Afnic mediator free of charge to endeavour to reach an amicable solution to the dispute between yourself and the domain name holder.
For more information on the Mediation Procedure
Syreli & Expert ADR
The SYRELI procedure
Put in place by Afnic since 2011, the Syreli procedure is strictly regulated.
Decisions are passed by the College, composed of Afnic employees.
File a SYRELI claimThe EXPERT ADR procedure
Established since 2016 by Afnic in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the PARL EXPERT procedure is strictly regulated.
Decisions are passed by experts selected on file by Afnic and the WIPO. (View the list of Experts).
File an EXPERT ADR claim