Digital accessibility consists in guaranteeing persons with disabilities access to online services.
Accessibility of the website
In accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of persons with disabilities as amended by Law No. 2018-771 of 5 September 2018, the website has been designed, developed and integrated on the basis of RGAA 4, the French Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
To facilitate navigation for the greatest possible number of people, our teams have gone to great lengths to offer you the best possible browsing experience, in particular by means of:
- Clear, easily understood and pertinent visual aids with descriptions if, and only if, necessary
- Active CAPTCHA test functionalities to block malicious robots and optimise site security
- Content accessible and comprehensible to users with impaired sight or hearing, and in case of deactivation of style sheets
- Hidden content and unnecessary information also hidden from assistive technologies
- Clearly identifiable, explicit clickable links and keyboard navigation possible
- Internal links for facilitated access to all content (notably menu and site map)
- Elements describing the content for each page (language and type of document in particular)
- Structured contents, particularly bulleted lists and identification of quotes
- Forms designed for ease of input
- Easy to access but avoidable navigation elements
- Documents downloadable in accessible form with no loss of information
- Checks on content read or opening of a new window
- Functionalities usable or available by either complex or simple gestures
- Simple cancellation of actions triggered (“undo”) by a pointing device
As part of our process of continuous improvement, we strive to conform to Level Double-A (AA). Plans are in place to commission an audit in the near future to officially confirm our level of compliance. In the meantime, please contact us using our contact form to help us in our process of continuous improvement.