Régis Massé
Director of Information Systems and Chief Technical Officer
Having graduated as an engineer from EPITA (the "School of Computer Science and Software Engineering") majoring in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Régis Massé headed up the Design & Development department at Afnic, followed by Infrastructures & Technology, from July 2008 to June 2014, formed of engineers tasked with developing the company’s IT system. He has held the position of Director of Information Systems and Chief Technical Officer since June 2014. Before joining Afnic, Régis began his career in the world of software development before spending almost ten years working at the leading group in the field of computer training, successively acting as a training consultant, Head of Consulting and Head of IT. His main missions are strategic management of the IT departments, development of the master plan, budget management and support for team change, while guaranteeing the security, sustainability and consolidation of the Information System. In 2018, Régis was appointed to the post of Vice-President of the TLD-OPS Group born of the ccNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organization) within ICANN, whose missions are to connect the operating managers in charge of the security of national domain name registries and DNS, as well as producing and facilitating workshops and guides for registries with limited resources to produce operational action plans and appropriate countermeasures.
Afnic commits to DNS security at the international level
I have had the pleasure of being Vice President of the TLD-OPS Group since June 2018. I actively par...