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What are the terms most used in .fr domain names?

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We have conducted a survey of the .fr database to identify the terms most used by the registrants. Do they reveal anything about the motives for filing under the .fr?

First, the number one term is “paris”, which is very encouraging for .paris.

But over and above the emblematic city, there are 4 terms related to the economy or e-commerce: “service”, “advice”, “services” and “shop”, 4 terms related to tourism and leisure: “Sport”, “hotel”, “restaurant” and “photo” and 3 in the real estate sector: “house”, “real estate” and “rental”.

Other terms are more difficult to group into categories: “saint” (because of the large number of town names containing this term), “info”, “tech”, “club”, etc.

Registrants’ concerns are expressed by the fact that they include names that contain both short and expressive keywords, but also the use of English terms such as “shop” and “club”, which are relatively commonplace in everyday life and which can add a touch of originality to a domain name.

Delving into our archives, we compared this list with that of the most used terms identified in 2007. 9 out of the top 20 terms in 2017 were already among the most used 10 years ago: “paris”, “saint”, “info”, “real estate”, “hotel”, “advice”, “services”, “city”, “rental”.

The newcomers are generally short names (“tech”, “shop”, “plan”, “club”), which testify to the will of the registrants to establish their Internet presence on domain names which are both short and differentiating in order to enhance retention.

The appearance of the terms “service”, “sport”, “home”, “restaurant” illustrates the development of e-commerce in the broad sense and the growing need for companies to have a showcase on the internet – at least under the .fr ccTLD.