Please find below the schedule of the coming maintenances (Paris Time):
1. 09/07/2019 from 6AM to 10AM
Afnic will perform a maintenance on its core network
- [.fr]: Production and Sandbox
Unavailability of the following services:
– extranet
– publication
Perturbations are forseen during this time slot on the following services:
– Whois (Port 43)
– Zonemaster
– site institutionnel (
- [.paris, .ovh, .alsace, .bzh, .corsica]: Production and Sandbox
Unavailability of the following services:
– extranet
– publication
Perturbations are forseen during this time slot on the following services:
– Whois (Port 43 and port 80)
- [.aquarelle, .bostik, .total, .lancaster, .mma, .museum and .sncf]: Production
Perturbations are forseen during this time slot on the following services:
– Whois (Port 43 and port 80)
– extranet
Unavailability of the following services:
-Whois (Port 43 and port 80)
2. 17/07/2019 from 10AM to 12PM
- [.paris, .ovh, .alsace, .bzh and .corsica]: Sandbox
Unavailability of the following services:
– extranet
3. 19/08/2019 from 10AM to 12PM
- [.paris, .ovh, .alsace, .bzh and .corsica]: Production
Unavailability of the following services:
– extranet
4. 26/08/2019 from 09AM to 12PM
Afnic will perform a maintenance of the Parl Expert plateform.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.